Selasa, 26 Januari 2010


a. Keyboard
The keyboard is a unit of the most important input in a computer data processing. The keyboard can function enter letters, numbers, special characters as well as a medium for the user (users) to perform other commands are needed, such as saving files and opening files. Creation of a computer keyboard from a typewriter models created and patented by Christopher Latham in 1868, and in 1887 produced and marketed by the Remington company. Digunakanan current keyboard is a QWERTY type, in 1973, the keyboard was established as a standard keyboard ISO (International Standards Organization). The number keys on the keyboard keys are numbered 104. Keyboard now that we know have some kind of port, ie serial port, ps2, usb and wireless.
Keyboard Types:
2.) Dvorak

The keyboard is usually used is a QWERTY type keyboard, which is shaped like keys on a typewriter. QWERTY keyboard has four sections namely:
1. Typewriter keys
2. numeric key
3. function key
4. special function keys.

1. Typewriter Key
This button is the primary key in the input. This is the same key on a typewriter keyboard consisting of alphabet and other buttons as follows:

• Back Space
This button serves to erase 1 character at the cursor left
• Caps Lock
When this button is pressed, then the caps lock indicator light is lit, it indicates that the typed letters will be uppercase or the Capital, when the caps lock indicator lights die, then the letter will be small.
• Delete
This button serves to erase 1 character at the cursor position
• Esc
This button serves to cancel an order from a menu.
• End
This button serves to move the cursor to the end of the line / page / worksheet
• Enter
This button serves to move into a new line or to perform a command process.
• Home
To go to the beginning of the line or to the left corner of the screen
• Insert
This button serves to insert a character.
• Page Up
This button serves to meggerakan cursor up 1 screen
• Page Down
This button serves to Move cursor down 1 screen
• Tab
This button serves to move the cursor to the right tabulation 1.

2. Numeric Key
This button is located on the right of the keyboard. It consists of key figures and arrow keys. If the indicator light lit the num lock button function as numbers. If the indicator light off the num lock button function as arrow keys.

3. Function Key
This button is located on the top line, this function key is made up of F1 s / d F12. These key functions vary depending on computer programs used.

4. Special Function Key
This key consists of the Ctrl, Shift, and Alt. Will have a function key when pressed simultaneously with another key. For example, to block simultaneously pressing the shift key and arrow keys, to move the cursor simultaneously pressing ctrl and arrow keys.

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