Selasa, 26 Januari 2010

Input Device

1. Unit Input (Input Device)
This unit serves as a medium for data entry from the outside in a memory and processor to be processed to produce the necessary information. Input devices or input units are generally used personal computer (PC) is a keyboard and mouse, keyboard and mouse is a unit that connects the user (users) with a computer. In addition there is the joystick, which is used for playing games or playing with computers. Then the scanner, to take pictures as digital images that can later be manipulated. Touch panel, with the touch of a finger using the user can perform a file access process. Microphone, to record the sound into the computer.
Input device functions as a means to incorporate external data into the system memory and a processor for processing and producing the necessary information. Data entered into the computer system can form the input signal and maintenance inputs. Shaped input signal data entered into the computer system, while maintenance input shaped the program used to process the data entered. So in addition to input device used to enter data can also be used to enter the program. By its nature, the input devices can be classified into two namely:

• equiment direct input, which included input directly processed by the processing equipment.
For example: keyboard, mouse, touch screen, light pen, digitizer graphics tablet, scanner.

• indirect input equipment, input through a particular media before an input is processed by the processing equipment.
For example: punched cards, floppy disks, hard disks.

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